About Hawke Robinson

I strive in the hopes that during my limited time existing I will have helped contribute to improving the overall human condition.




I am usually very busy working on exciting projects that are helping improve the overall human condition.

My schedule is very full, and rarely check social media, and I do not accept unscheduled phone calls (though I do check my voice mail).

Email is the best form of communication.

If you would like to schedule a phone call or online meeting with me, please use the link below:

Hawke Robinson is a Washington State Department of Health Registered Recreational Therapist, Chief Technology Officer, Educator, Accessibility Advocate, Role-Playing Game Professional Services Provider, Neurotechnology Innovator, Researcher, and Public Speaker.

Hawke Robinson with Walter Koenig (Pavel Chekov in Star Trek and Alfred Bester in Babylon 5) at Fan Nexus Spokane Convention)

Hawke Robinson with Walter Koenig (Pavel Chekov in Star Trek and Alfred Bester in Babylon 5)

2018 Hasbro's Wizards of the Coast Dungeons & Dragons Talk Show, Dragon Talk


Hawke Robinson at Wizards of the Coast HQ Renton, Washington Office (photo taken on Hawke's phone by Greg Tito of Dragon Talk)

2022 Dragon Talk Book with full chapter on Hawke Robinson


2019 Hawke Robinson at Gen Con 2019 on GenCon TV

Many more episodes of Hawke on GenCon TV, their first ever recurring guest: https://rpgresearch.com/blog/blog-news-category/rpg-research-hawke-robinson-on-gencon-tv-list

2016 KREM 2 News

Hawke Robinson on KREM 2 News

Article: https://www.krem.com/article/news/local/spokane-county/local-man-opens-unique-mobile-therapy-unit-to-help-physically-disabled/293-333302903

Additional videos: https://www.rpg.llc/blog/our-blog-1/post/rpg-therapeutics-llc-the-new-rpg-trailer-prototype-on-krem-2-news-12

Hawke Robinson as Pirate #2 in Zombie Orpheus Entertainment (ZOE) / Dead Gentlemen Productions (DG), The Gamers: Hands of Fate:

Hawke Robinson as Cass Fan Boy in ZOE / DG, The Gamers: Hands of Fate.

Hawke Robinson as Tavern Patron in ZOE Journey Quest Season 3.

The Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming

Hawke is most well-known as “The Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming" in healthcare, technology, education, professional development, and role-playing game (RPG) circles. His groundbreaking integration of therapeutic, educational, and professional development practices with gaming has made him a founding and key figure in this new and fast-growing field of Role-Playing Game Professional (RPGP) services.

Additionally, Hawke is a skilled full and fractional Chief Technology Officer with more than 25 years of technology innovation leadership experience, adept at transforming business concepts into successful technological realities. His works in multiple industries and disciplines are often published as "W.A. Hawkes-Robinson".

With a talent for bridging the gap between business leaders and technologists, Hawke's career encompasses roles as a leader, mentor, educator, therapist, and public speaker. His expertise spans information technology, computer sciences, music and recreational therapy, neurosciences, research psychology, education, cognitive neuropsychology, role-playing games, neurotechnology, and physical and information security.

Hawke is known for his results-oriented approach, characterized by integrity, compassion, creativity, and energy. He excels in both executive leadership and hands-on execution, rapidly and effectively building organizations and technology solutions from the ground up.

Hawke's philosophy focuses on sharing knowledge openly for the betterment of the human condition.

Beyond his professional life in technology, education, and healthcare, Hawke is also a 20+ instrument musician and composer, an adventurer, advocate, community builder, and parent. He values privacy and security but shares personal insights to provide a fuller picture of the person behind his projects and communities.

An active advocate for accessibility, open source, privacy, and effective security measures, Hawke's height, formerly 6'9" and now 6'7", often becomes a point of opening "ice breaker" conversations.

A Washington State Department of Health Registered Recreational Therapist, Hawke's background covers a wide range of disciplines. His profile showcases a commitment to learning, innovation, and improving lives through technology, recreation, role-playing gaming, and neuroscience. Hawke is available to connect with individuals and organizations, for the right collaborative opportunities, as a paid consultant or public speaker, across his areas of expertise.

Hawke has created, or been the founder, founding contributing member, advisory board, or full board member of the following organizations and endeavors:

  • BCI RPG - Brain-Computer Interface Role-Playing Game open source accessibility project  (Founder & Lead Neurotechnology Developer) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
  • RPG Research non-profit - rpgresearch.com
  • DOTS RPG non-profit - dotsrpg.org
  • The RPG Community Center - rpgcenter.org
  • The RPG Museum - rpgmuseum.org
  • Spokane American Sign Language community - spokaneasl.com
  • Spokane Music Therapy Community spokanemt.com
  • Spokane Java Users Group spokanejug.com
  • Spokane 2600 spokane2600.org
  • The Wheelchair Accessible RPG Mobile fleet (Creator) - rpgmobile.com
  • RPG Therapeutics LLC (Recreational & Role-Playing Game Therapist) - rpg.llc
  • Hawke Studios (Photographer) - hawkestudios.com
  • MightyWords Inc. (acquired by Barnes & Noble) (CTO)  (1) (2) (3) (4)
  • Dev 2 Dev Portal LLC (President) - dev2dev.com
  • MaladNet Internet and Wireless Services (acquired by AXXESS Wireless and Hess Pumice) (Founder)
  • The Computer Schools (Founder)
  • Veridex.us (CTO)
  • Ea Tolkien Society (Founder) - tolkienscholars.org
  • Zombie Orpheus Entertainment's (ZOE) The Fantasy Network (TFN) (CTO)- zombieorpheus.com
  • Hero Trainer Inc (Ethical Game Design Psychology Advisor) - herotrainer.io
  • ManufacturingPower.com (CTO)
  • Z-Day City RPG - zdaycity.com
  • Game Consent App - gameconsent.com
  • AI RPG / GM AI - rpgai.org
  • NeuroRPG (Founder & Lead Neurotech Developer) - neurorpg.com
  • Practicing Musician (CTO) - practicingmusician.com

If interested in paid engagement, please see the "Contact Us" page.


Psychology Today Verified Professional Service Provider


RPG Therapeutics LLC is a Psychology Today Verified Professional Services Provider
